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Innocence Claim SummarySelect Record
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Innocence Claim Summary
September 1, 2018 - August 31,2019
Texas Southern University - Thurgood Marshall School of Law Texas A&M University School of Law Innocence Clinic Texas Tech University - West Texas Innocence Project University of Houston - Texas Innocence Network University of North Texas University of Texas Actual Innocence Clinic Totals
Total requests for assistance received 432 445 412 439 0 0 1,728
Requests for assistance based on claim of actual innocence 81 399 374 331 0 0 1,185
Number of innocence claims screened 46 241 201 274 0 0 762
Number of innocence claims closed after screening 23 205 200 173 0 2 603
Number of innocence claims awaiting investigation at end of period 233 9 19 175 0 691 1,127
Number of innocence claims under active investigation at end of period 44 9 29 229 0 186 497
Number of innocence claims closed after investigation 19 13 18 152 0 3 205
Number of innocence claims with legal remedy pursued 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Number of innocence claims with relief granted 0 0 2 0 0 0 2
Number of innocence claims with relief denied 0 0 0 0 0 0 0